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Website Support in Oman
Frequently asked questions
Each website design project is evaluated and priced based on the client’s requirements, and this question does not have the same answer. After holding the question and answer session and checking the requirements of the project, the price of your website design will be determined.
Website design projects will take an average of two to five weeks, but the speed of project completion and delivery depends on the employer. The availability of the employer and the quick response and timely feedback of the employer to the inquiries of the design team and providing sufficient information in the initial stages of the project evaluation, providing the content and information required in the time frames set for the website design project are among the things that the employer is responsible for. The speed of the website design project is effective.
Ease of use, high flexibility and good SEO have made WordPress the most popular content management system, and many web space is designed with WordPress. The main focus of OmanCTB is designing WordPress websites
Network Support in Oman
Frequently asked questions
The services of setting up and supporting computer networks are very diverse and according to the conditions and needs of a complex, different services are installed and set up, the most common of which are setting up and modifying passive networks, setting up and Support of virtual servers, sharing of hardware and software resources such as files, folders and printers, control of users’ access to various hardware and software resources, including the amount of Internet consumption.
OmanCTB network support contract clearly talks about non-disclosure of information (NDA), which can solve your concern in this regard. Also, many organizations include a non-disclosure clause (NDA) in their employment contracts.
This issue depends on the type of your network support contract, if your collection’s network support contract is 12 hours or 24 hours, the night shift experts will answer you even during non-office hours. It should be noted that the amount of the network support contract in 12 and 24 hours is higher than the amount of the network support contract during normal working hours.
Support for all network equipment such as physical and virtual servers, computers, routers, switches, access points, network and analog cameras, NAS storage devices. Also, Active Directory (DC) services, shared folders and printers, providing backups, fixing computer problems, and managing anti-viruses are part of network support.
Data Dashboard in Oman
Frequently asked questions
There are different types of dashboards based on their application, including:
- product sales dashboard
- human resources dashboard
- project management dashboard
- operations management dashboard
- customer management dashboard
- financial management dashboard
OmanCTB is one of the best Company in designing Report portals and management dashboards in Oman.
A good management dashboard should:
- be simple and understandable
- be able to measure KPIs
- be able to display data with various graphs
- be able to filter information
- be able to share data and reports
- be able to print them
and OmanCTB dashboard provides all facilities for companies.

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